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Definition of Instructional Technology
Human brain and technology never had stood on the one field, but always change every hour thereby, Definition of instructional technology always change according how human brain and technology grown up around the world. There are four definitions in different times: “Audiovisual communication: that branch of education theory and practice concerned primarily with the design and use of message which control the learning process.” (AECT, 1968) “A complex, integrated process involving people, procedure, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problem and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solution to those problems involve on all aspects of human learning.” (AECT, 1977) “The theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of process and resources for learning.” (AECT, 1994) “Education technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological process and resources.” (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008, p.2).
The definition 1968 define how instructional connected with audiovisual communication and using in the learning process than 1977 define how analyzing and involving the problem also, evaluating all of aspect human learning. However, 1994 add some process and resources in the human learning and then, 2008 define more how instructional ethical practice of learning and improving performance in process human learning. So, Instructional technology is communication study, integrated learning process ethical practice, and improving performance to solve the problem in the human learning.
My Definition of Instructional Technology (IT)

After I learned several definition of IT, I believe that " IT is systematic way of the theory and practice of design, development, analyzing and evaluation of processes in human learning and use the technology in all aspect of human learning perhaps in educational field". it is best definition that I believe.
Definition of Instructional Field
What is the field of instructional technology? What field that we are in? Those questions are really difficult questions to answer because the field is constantly changing. New ideas and innovations affect the practices of individuals in the field, changing, often broadening, the scope of their work. The earlier definition of the field of instructional technology focus on instructional media - the physical means via which instructional is presented to learners. The roots of the field have been traced beck at least as far as the first decade of the twentieth century, when one of these media-educational film-was first being produced ( Saettler, 1990).

In 1963, the first definition to be approved by the major professional organisation withing the field of education technology was published, and it, too, indicated that the field that not simply about media. This definition (Ely, 1963), produced by a commission established by the Department of Audiovisual Instruction ( now known as the Association for Educational Communications and Technology), was a department respects.
History of Instructional Technology
The earlier, Instructional Technology defined as a thing, way, and process to think and facilitate performance in human learning. There is no generally excepted or correct answer to replied what the main field that we are in. the history of Instructional has been defined physical means via which is instructional pretended to learners. In most discussion of the history of instructional media, there are three basics means of instruction prior to the twentieth century and the still common means today, the teacher, the chalkboard, and the textbook have been categorized separately from other media.
The use of media for instructional purpose in the United State, has been examined back to at least as early as the first decade of the twentieth century. It was at that time that school museum came into the existence. As Settler has indicated, these museum “serve as the central administrative unit for visual instructional by their distribution of portable museum exhibits, stereograph three dimensional photographs, slide, films, study print, chart, and other instructional material.”
The growth of the audiovisual instructional movement in the school slowed with the onset of the War word II. However, audiovisual was using deeply in the military service and in industry. Such as, while war the U.S. Army Air Force made more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips, and during a two-year period from mid-1943 to mid-1945 it was estimated that were over 4 million showings of training films and filmstrips to U.S military personnel.

Here is more explanation about Time Line and History of Instructional Technology.
The link about history of Instructional Technology.
Learning Theories and Researchers and Practtioners
There are three important learning theories. Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Those have influenced different time in the history of instructional technology. Behaviorism from mid 1950ies, Cognitivism from 1970ies, and Constructivism late 1980ies.
Behaviorism focuses on changes in observable behavior to indicate learning has occurred. Reinforces are events that can be presented to increase the probability of the desired behavior. It refer to a psychological approach which emphasizes scientific and objective methods of investigation. The approach is only concerned with observable stimulus-response behaviors, and states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment. Also behaviorism as behavioral physiological which is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment.
Cognitivism focuses on processing of stimuli by the learner. Representations of stimuli may exist in memory. Schemata are organized structures in memory that are created and modified when learning occurs. Also, a learning theory which deals with, in particular, how people perceive and remember information, solve problem and ultimately learn. The term cognition refers to all processes by which sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered and used. A key focus of cognitivism is looking at how to communicate or transformed knowledge to learners in the most effective and efficient way by looking at mental process and how the structure of the brain is changed during the course of learning.
Constructivism focuses on construction of internal representations of knowledge by the learner in order to make sense of external events. This theory in education that recognizes the learners' understanding and knowledge based on their own experiences prior to entering school. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with our ideas and experiences, maybe changing what we believe, or maybe discarding the new information as irrelevant. In any case, we are active creators of our own knowledge.
Here are three reseachers and practioners that influenced the Instructional Field.
Robert M. Gagne
Robert M. Gagne is the father of ID and he wrote a book which is “The conditions of Learning”, it describes the detailed of five types of learning outcome: verbal information, intellectual skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes, and cognitive strategies with disparate set of conditions in order to promote learning. Also, nine events of instruction, or teaching activities, that he mentioned crucial for promoting the attainment of any domains of learning outcome. His book “The Condition of Learning” is published in 1965 is one of an important event in the history of instructional design.
Robert Glaser
Robert Glaser “describes an instructional system in 1962 that is comprised of five components:
Instructional Goals (system objectives)
Entering Behavior (system input)
Instructional Procedures (system operator)
Performance Assessments (output monitor).
Research and Development Logistics (analysis and evaluation)” Reiser & Dempsey, 2012, p. 24).
Ralph W.Tyler
Ralph W.Tyler: he also as aMorris Finder (2008) said”: Tyler, Ralph W. (22 Apr. 1902-18 Feb. 1994), educator and principal designer of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.”
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