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Instructional Design dEFINITION
Instructional design is the process by which learning produce and experience are design, develop, and delivered. These learning include online courses, instructional manual, video tutorials, learning simulation, etc. So generally, a science, an art, and a way to create training. These are all fine concepts, and perhaps good definition, but instructional design is really a set of rules, we could say procedure, for creating training that does what it is supposed to do. (G. M. Piskurich, 2015) Design and Development is defined as a systematic process that is employed to develop education and training program in a consistent and reliable fashion.
Instructional design also a way to plan your training program from the moment you have the idea for it (or idea is given to you) until the moment you complete your revision of your effort and get ready to run the program again. It is working model that you use to manage the concepts and task that are part of a successful training process.
adddie model:
Designers can use many ways to design materials, but the basic thing is designers have to fallow the same steps and principle. Here is the 1940s by the military, called Instructional System Design or ISD with five steps:
Implementation, and

Dick and Carey 9 Steps
Dick and Carey first introduced their systems approach model back in 1978, when they published the systematic design of instruction. Dick and Carey state that components such the instructor, learners, material, instructional activities, delivery system, and learning and performance environments interact with each other and work together to bring about the desired learner outcome.
1. Identify goals and objective
2.Complete instructional analysis
3. Determine entire behavior and learner characteristic
4. Write performance objective
5. Develop criterion-referenced elearning assessments.
6. Develop the instruction elearning strategy
7. Choose learning materials and online activities.
8.Carry out formative evaluation
9. Cary out summative evaluation

Description of What I learned ETEC 544
Learned Instructional Design is very useful for me because it assists me in correctly doing what I need to do. In the case of developing a training program, this means creating training that helps my trainees learn the thing that they need to know. This sound obvious but that does not mean it always happens.
What I Learned
The first thing that I learned before I design and develop material, I need to do Pre-design which mean is provide needs analysis and needs assessment. Determining the organization needs will help me to determine what training I need to do. More importantly, it will help me determine what training I do not need to do, either because the organizational need cannot be address by training or because the organization cannot support the training that deeded.
Also, I learned how to analysis. This is help me to do a master the most common analysis data-collection methods, differentiate among the various type of analysis, perform a job analysis, and create a criticality analysis. Determine whether I need to do a task analysis and how to do one, do an audience analysis, and discover what a competency analysis is. So, all these tell me what need to be taught and what does not need to be taught in my training program.
Moreover, the good thing that I learned is how to collect the data (data collection method). There are several different types of analysis and several ways of doing each. Which type of analysis that designer choose and what data-collection method designer use will depend on the topic (or need). There are specific names for each of data-collection methods, and: focus group, interviews, Questionnaire or survey, observation, document collection and verification, job duties categorizing, Delphi studies, job diaries, examination of performance and productivity measures, nominal group technique, and critical incident method. The first of the method above are the most commonly used.
Here are some projects That we did as a group
1. Design
Description of What I learned ETEC 644
In ETEC644 there are a lot of meaningful courses that I learned. It really improved my knowledge also my skills. During this class, I learned how to understand clearly about ADDIE because I worked my project individually. Last quarter I learned ETEC544, but I was in the group so, I worked some part of our project so, I did not get completely. I learned something I never had learned before. Moreover, I was enjoying with all materials that provided by Professor because those were clear to understand and follow the all directions.
Here are the List of all documents that I did in this project:
Dick,W. Carey, L. & Carey J. (2014) The Systematic Design of Instructional With Pearson
Etext-Access Card. City: person College Div.
Gane, R. M. & Briggs, L. J. (1974). Principle of instructional design (2nd ed.) Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
Piskurich M. G. (2016) Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID fast and right.